My Web World

Melissa Mannon Photography
Garden Portraits Blog
Images of America: Waltham

All photographs and writings on this website are the exclusive property of Melissa Mannon and are protected under United States and International Copyright Laws. Photographs and writings may not be reproduced, copied, stored, or manipulated in any form without the written permission of the artist.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Today's Weather: Sunny and Cold

Today's activity: Remember planting a seed in a cup as a kid? Remember how exciting it was to watch the seed crack open and the little green shoot sprout out? Buy your seeds today. There are many online catalogs to review with your kids or order catalogs online. Burpee and Park Seeds are great for vegetables. Vegetables are a good way to start. Kids can start thinking about growing their own food. Let kids look through the shiny pictures. Let them see the many varieties of foods. Let THEM choose what to buy. When the order comes, we'll be ready to plant.

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